Visit our Recorded Message Page for the recent messages that can be viewed.
Every Saturday, Bible Believers are asked to participate in an United Prayer for our Nation and a spiritual awakening. Pray for Spiritual Awakening in the church and for our Nation.
Pray for the Nation of Ukraine as Russia continues it's push to take over the country. Christians in other parts of the world are seeing a surgence of violence towards them and also need prayer.
Outreach… The elders of the church want to advance an outreach thrust for the rest of year called, “Everyone Reach One.” If all of us would concentrate on reaching a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance, or a family, et al., we could increase our attendance by year’s end significantly. Pray about it, tell others about Christ and give them a gospel tract.
30 March 2024 - Morning Message - "Exhortations from a Fellow Elder" (1 Peter 5:1–4)
2 April 2024 - National Reconciliation Day… This Day is observed on April 2 every year. It is an opportunity to mend relationships that we may have damaged on purpose or not, through our words or actions. “Forgive and ask for forgiveness” is the resonant message for National Reconciliation Day. It is a day when you have to dump your apprehensions about approaching a person you’ve hurt in the past. Without analyzing whose mistake it was, just take a step toward that person. Where a rash moment can damage relationships, a sincere effort on National Reconciliation Day can repair the damage. The day urges people to heal old wounds by clearing misunderstandings and asking to be forgiven.
10 April 2024 - Elders Meeting - 10:00 a.m. at the Church
12 April 2024 - Passover
13 April 2024 - Fellowship Dinner following the morning worship hour. Bring your favorite dish to share.
18 April 2024 - Good Friday
20 April 2024 - Easter - "He is Risen"